Happy Anniversary
This is the bag we packed to go away for our 25th anniversary. This is pretty amazing to me because a year or two ago I wasn't sure if our marriage would last. Less than a year ago I wasn't sure I wanted it to. This journey has been longer and harder than I ever imagined. I have learned more about my husband and myself than I thought possible (and maybe more than I wanted to!). The book you see here has been super helpful over the past few months. And fittingly we are finishing the last exercise this weekend. I don't want to spoil it for you - because you should 100% do this - but the last exercise was super healing and beautiful. You will want to get the actual book (not pictured) and two workbooks (pictured) to get the most out of this. We went away for the weekend and had a wonderful time together. It felt like old times, before D-day. Just a normal married couple celebrating an anniversary. I hope we get to celebrate many more.