Unexpected Grief
Have you ever been going about your normal routine and WHAM you are crying uncontrollably or just overwhelmed by sadness? You weren't sad a moment ago. You may or may not even know what prompted it. But all of the sudden you feel like you can't even move. Just me? Alrighty then.... I recently read an article about grief that made me feel a little less crazy. The article is specifically talking about grief after death, but as I've mentioned before we now know that all grief works in similar ways. I have been experiencing what is known as a STUG, a Sudden Temporary Upsurge of Grief. A STUG is unexpected, threatening, and intense. It can be accompanied by crying, nausea, vomiting, racing pulse, and feeling like you can't breathe. Some people compare it to a panic attack. It leaves you feeling agitated and frightened. And rightly so - that's an intense physical reaction to grief. Getting through a STUG is very sim...