
Showing posts from December, 2018

A hard conversation

Our daughter is home from college for Christmas break.  We tend to have a lot of deep conversation when she's home - religion, politics, current events, you name it.  She and I were driving home yesterday and got into one of these discussions.  We ended up talking about the gay agenda, how we treat LGBT people in the church (we agreed that the church needs a lot of work in this area), and specifically a friend of hers that is a Christian and gay and trying to navigate his theology and sexuality. She has such a heart of compassion for all people, and this friend is no different.  She has no idea what side A and side B even mean, but based on our conversation she is side B.  Her friend isn't sure where he lands on the issue yet.  He's confused as to why God would make him gay knowing that he would never be happy in a relationship.  My daughter felt sad that he would be lonely.  I asked her why he thought loneliness was the only option.  After...

Another safe friend

I only have one childhood friend that I keep in touch with.  We live several states away from each other and talk sporadically.  She called me out of the blue this past week.  And she wanted to talk about her marriage.  So, of course I ended up telling her all about mine and what has transpired in the past few months.  I knew she would be safe.  We've known each other since 4th grade.  We've walked a lot of life together.  I had no idea how encouraging it would be to tell her though. My favorite quotes from her: "Of course you guys are going to make it.  You have always been best friends." "Your marriage is built on way more than this." "Poor thing!  He's been torturing himself his whole life!" "Marriage is so hard!" (talking about herself) "This is a spiritual battle." I'm sure her tone does not come across in a blog post but she was so loving and encouraging.  With each person I tell it gets easier and easier....

My worst day

I've had good days and bad days.  I'm having more and more good days lately and very few bad days.  I still occasionally find myself caught off guard by a bad moment.  Like a few nights ago when I suddenly felt so insecure and without warning just started crying.  My sweet husband just held me and let me cry until I felt better.  And he reminded me that he isn't going anywhere - that he chooses me. That's where my bad days usually come from.  A deep sense of insecurity and fear. My worst day happened six weeks ago.  I was reading blogs online about mixed orientation marriages.  There was one rather "famous" couple that had been blogging about their marriage for several years and had somewhat recently announced that they were getting divorced.  The announcement post sent me into a tailspin.  Why?  Everything they said resonated with me.  Why they had gotten married to begin with, why it worked, why they loved each other, etc...

Books to read & podcasts with authors

I recently mentioned that we are reading good books, so I thought I'd share what we've been reading.  I've only linked the books that have previews available. Long before my husband disclosed his struggle with same-sex attraction to me, God had already given me a desire to love people with this issue.  Several years ago I read The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield.  I have also heard her speak in person and she has an amazing story to tell.  She was on an episode of one of my now-favorite podcasts . After disclosure, we started seeing a counselor and he recommended several books. Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality by Wesley Hill is a sad but hopeful story of a Christian man with SSA choosing to live a celibate life.  Here's a podcast with him. People to Be Loved: Why Homosexuality Is Not Just an Issue by Preston Sprinkle takes a hard look at Biblical theology regarding the issue o...

It's been 11 weeks

It's been exactly 11 weeks since my husband disclosed that he has unwanted same sex attraction.  And it has been quite a roller-coaster.  I've had really, really bad days of feeling hopeless, devastated, and like God is so far away.  I've had days when God felt close and I felt strong and determined.  I've cried so.many.tears it's just ridiculous.  More than one person has mentioned that I've aged a lot recently.  You don't say??  But seriously, don't say that. We have made a lot of good decisions and steps towards healing and wholeness.  We have read a lot of good books.  We are still seeing a counselor, both together to work on our marriage, and separately to work on ourselves and our families of origin.  We are reading blogs and listening to podcasts.  We are making a point to go out on fun dates.  We are spending more focused time together and making our marriage a priority right now. Almost daily my husband let's me k...