The Love Bank

You should know by now how much my husband and I love to read.  We read a lot!  That has always been the case, and we read several marriage books before we ever got married.  One book that we read introduced us to the concept of "The Love Bank".  

The concept is simple: we each have a love bank and everyone we love has an account with us (especially our spouse).  People make deposits and withdrawals in their accounts - deposits are things they say or do that show us love, and withdrawals are things they say or do that hurt us. In marriage we should purposefully make as many deposits and as few withdrawals as possible.  Hard times are bound to come, so having a large account is critical.

I've been pretty clingy and needy lately.  It feels strange because this is not normal for me.  My husband has been super great about it and continues to give me what I need (but let me also say that I verbalize what I need).  It hit me today that I'm asking for lots of deposits in my love bank because he took out a huge withdrawal!  I told him what I was thinking and he replied, "I didn't take out a withdrawal, I robbed the bank."  Well at least we agree on why I'm so needy.  It's going to take some time to build up his account but I'm glad he's willing to make a lot of deposits.


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