This is just hearsay

I haven't read these books, but my husband did.  This is my version of what he told me about the books (so take it as hearsay, ha!).

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God's Grand Story by Christopher Yuan.  Yuan discusses both the theology and practical implications of sexuality, desire, orientation, marriage, and singleness.  He also gives great advice on how respond when someone you know comes out.

Here is a podcast with Christopher Yuan.  I actually listened to it :)

Space at the Table: Conversations Between an Evangelical Theologian and His Gay Son by Brad Harper and Drew Stafford Harper.  The story is told chronologically from both the father's and son's perspectives, showing us how their relationship fared through the son's coming out.  The father is an evangelical pastor (side B) and the son decided to live a gay lifestyle and reject his faith.  Spoiler alert: the story does not end with the son changing his mind or returning to his faith.  However, it is powerful story of love even when you disagree on something so important.


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