A True Love Story

I started this blog mostly as a way for me to process my thoughts and feelings.  I also thought that maybe one day it could be helpful to someone else.  I guess that day has come.  My little anonymous blog has been shared and is actually being read by people.  People I don't know.  People in other countries.  That's exciting and scary all at the same time.  I've never considered myself a good writer; in fact I once had an English professor beg me to drop her class.  😏

Several people that know me have been so encouraging and frequently tell me to keep writing.  Today my husband received a text from a friend of his that also has unwanted SSA.  He forwarded it to me and I cried.  I am humbled beyond words.  It makes me so happy to know that our story can encourage others.  I'm also glad to know that our love for one another comes through in this blog.  Sometimes I fear that you can't hear my voice and so you may not read my tone correctly.

Here is a part of my encouraging text from today:
"I am letting you know... because her blog gave me hope.  She has a great talent as a writer and I couldn't stop laughing at many of her posts and get emotional at others.  It's very respectful what she shared.  Her love and respect for you is very unique.  It showed me that marriage can be about love, respect, intimacy, friendship, godliness, and facing life as one strong loving team.  I need all these things way more than I need lust.  So I hope you thank her for such a great blog.  It really is one of the things that benefited me, as it's based on a true love story."

And that's where the tears really flowed.  Because we really are a true love story.

Last week we had family photos made and of course we did some with just the two of us.  The photographer mentioned later that she would love for us to give her marriage advice because she could tell how much we love each other.  I just chuckled and said, "Do you want to know our secret?  Walk through really deep waters together."  I wouldn't wish any of this on anyone.  But I know that we love each other more now than ever before, and it was pretty great before.

I can't wait to see how the pictures turned out!  Too bad I can't share them with you...


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