My first anxiety attack happened during my second pregnancy. I thought I was having a heart attack. It was a stressful time but I learned some coping strategies and I managed. I had very few attacks over the next decade or so. They started back up again two years ago. I was stressed about work and my husband was having a mid-life crisis (was.he.ever - I had no idea how bad it would get before it got better). There was a period of time when I was having a panic attack every night when I tried to go to sleep. Every night. I made some career decisions that eased the tension in that arena and they subsided. Then came the disclosure about my husband's same-sex attraction. Now it was really time to panic! They came back with a vengeance. If you've never had a panic attack, first of all thank God for your many blessings, and then imagine this: you are going about your day and all of the sudden out of nowhere your heart star...