This World

"I'm sorry to have dragged you into this world."  

That's what my husband said recently.  "This world."  This world of same sex attraction and mixed orientation marriage.  We spend a lot of time on this issue - time on the phone with other couples, time in therapy, time processing with each other, time in support groups.  We are walking alongside other couples - some that are ahead of us on this journey and some that are just starting out.  I never would have imagined that I would spend so much time on this topic.  Honestly, I didn't give it much thought at all a year ago.

And it IS another world.  It's a private, hidden world talked about in hushed tones or in anonymous blogs.  This is not a topic most people are comfortable talking about, so we mostly stay silent.  Yet, I'm shocked at just how many of "us" there are out there!  We really are not alone.  It's just that we are in hiding.  We are your neighbors, your family, your coworkers, your church members, your friends - you just may not know it.

But I'm not sorry.  I'm not sorry that I am in this world, even if I was dragged into it.   There are so many good things that have come from it.  My relationships with God and my husband have grown deeper.  Our story is already helping others and I believe God will use it in great ways in the future.  I may not haven chosen to be in this world but I choose to be thankful, not sorry.

This song really resonates with me.  

"Scars" by I Am They
Darkest water and deepest pain
I wouldn't trade it for anything
'Cause my brokenness brought me to you
And these wounds are a story you'll use
So I'm thankful for the scars
'Cause without them I wouldn't know your heart
And I know they'll always tell of who you are
So forever I am thankful for the scars


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