10 Reasons I made it

Sometimes I look back and wonder how I made it.  Some days it's a wonder I'm still breathing.  But I did more than survive.  I continued on with life during the crisis.  I went to work, took care of kids, made dinner, cleaned, went to church, and on and on.  Only by God's grace was I able to get out of bed and face each day.  Here's how I did it.

1.  Prayer - I started every day with prayer.  There were times when I just couldn't pray anymore and that was ok, too.  Sometimes I just cried to God, literally just cried because that's all I could do.

2.  Music - I listened to music everyday.  Some of it was encouraging and some of it was just cathartic.  I mostly listened to worship music but also to other Christian music that resonated with me.  Nothing secular -not that I have anything against it but I just needed to soak in Godly music.

3.  Old friends - I needed friends that have known me and my husband for years to tell me it was going to be alright.  I needed them to say that they had no idea either.  I needed them to ask me the deep questions that only an old friend would know to ask.

4.  New friends - I needed people that had been down this path before and friends that were currently on it with me.  I needed people to vent to and people to cry with - people that truly understood because they've been there.

5.  My kids - Honestly without them I would have given up.  They are the reason I got up each morning.  They are the reason I held it together at all.

6.  Counseling/coaching - Without someone to go completely postal on from time to time, I would not have made it.  I need someone to listen to me AND challenge me.  I need to have an objective point of view.  I need someone to help me do all of the hard work.

7.  Books, blogs, & podcasts - Listening to other people's stories was invaluable.  It was a podcast that first gave me any hope at all.  I had so many questions and so much to learn about SSA.  I spent the first several months like I was an investigative journalist.

8.  An echo-chamber - So, I usually love a good debate.  I am an intelligent person that can listen to all sides of an issue.  But not this issue.  I needed to surround myself with like-minded voices.  I only allowed conservative Christian, side B information into my bubble of protection.  That's what I needed.

9.  Medication - For me, I needed to go on anti-depressants.  It was not really an option; it was a need.  I hope I can wean myself off of them in the near future but I'm not ashamed that I need them.  My kids need me.  Without medication I don't think I'd still be here.

10.  My husband - I'm sure if he had left I still would have made it.  My life would just look very different right now.  He held me when I cried, listened when I ranted, and made me laugh again.  He has been doing his own work and owning all of his failures.  This path would look very different if he was resistant or distant.

For those of you on this path, what would you include?  Feel free to drop an anonymous comment below.


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