More resources

I'm constantly on the lookout for more helpful resources.  One thing we have noticed is that there is a lack of writing from married men with SSA.  Most of the writing I've found (books, articles, and blogs alike) is written by women with SSA or SSA men that are celibate.  Occasionally, I find writing by a woman married to a man with SSA.  And with most of the writing by married people, they knew before marriage - which is not our story.  What gives?  I guess my husband is going to have to start writing...

Anyway, here are the articles and blogs I have found recently:

I Married a Same-Sex Attracted Man.  And I Am Blessed.  an article by Jaclyn S. Parrish.
This is a blog post by the same author about Struggling with a Spouse's Sexual Sin.

Rachel Gilson is a married Christian woman with SSA and a great writer.  Her blog Born Again This Way is worth a read and also contains links to articles she has written.  She was also on a podcast I follow.

Doug Mainwaring is one of the few married SSA male authors that I have come across.  Here are a couple of his articles.  He has written a lot but mostly in the realm of politics and same-sex marriage.
I'm a gay man, happily married to a woman. And I'm not the only one.
Hearts, Parts, and Minds: The Truth Comes Out

Letters to Christopher is a blog written by a single Catholic SSA male.  He is currently celibate but open to marrying a woman if God so chooses.  He has a lot of great things to say about honoring God.  He has also written a book, Why I Don't Call Myself Gay: How I Reclaimed My Sexual Reality and Found Peace. I haven't read the book, but it was suggested by our counselor and I did skim some of it.  Since he lived a gay lifestyle for a while and that's just not our story, it didn't seem helpful to me personally.  (I'm really trying to focus on what I find encouraging and helpful to my situation.)

This series of articles was not particularly helpful for me because: 1- My husband disclosed his SSA to me willingly, I did not "discover" it.  2 - He wants to fight for our marriage, not live into his SSA.  And 3 - We are already seeing a counselor, talking with close friends, and working on our issues.  However, I wanted to put this out there for others whose spouses may not be so willing to work on their marriage.


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