The Work
I haven't spent a lot of time in psychological/counseling circles and sometimes the phrases that are thrown around sound foreign to me. One such phrase is "doing your work." I kept hearing it and in context it began to make sense but I'm a nerd and decided to research it. Doing your work is about taking responsibility for your own actions and reactions. Often we find ourselves in situations where we blame circumstances or other people for how we feel, think, and act. We begin our work by recognizing unhealthy patterns and triggers, then work to uncover our feelings and reactions, and finally discover ways to break the unhealthy patterns. Someone suggested that my husband read a book about "the work" and so he bought it. And like many other books, I read it first. The book Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie is not a typical read. It has a general introduction to the concept of self-discovery that she calls ...